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Covid 19 coronavirus: Virus found on fruit packaging in China, NZ growers reassure customers

The industry human body for stonefruit growers is reassuring international customers of NZ’s Covid-free status, after China reportedly found the virus on fruit packaging. File photo / Warren Buckland


The industry human body for stonefruit growers in New Zealand is reassuring international customers of our Covid-free status, following the virus was reportedly found on fresh fruit packaging in China.

Chinese media organisation The Global Times reported that the virus was found on the inner packaging of imported cherries in the city of Wuxi near Shanghai.

It said it was not yet determined what country the fruit originated in.

Summer Good fresh fruit chief executive Richard Palmer said the Ministry for Primary Industries had not been advised by Chinese authorities that the detection was in any way linked to New Zealand fruit.

“As New Zealand officials have not been advised of a Covid-19 detection, and with New Zealand free of Covid-19 in the community, Summerfruit New Zealand can only conclude that this apparent case is not related to New Zealand fruit.

“The last case of Covid-19 in the New Zealand community was on 18 November 2020, before the export summerfruit harvest started, ” Palmer said.

He said the summerfruit industry had rigorous food safety procedures set up, including the monitoring of staff health for Covid-19.

“With strict food safety and quality processes in place, and the country free of Covid-19, New Zealand fruit represents the safest possible source of fresh fruit, a reputation our industry tries to maintain. ”


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