There is one replacement case of Covid-19 today from managed isolation.
Factors no new community cases.
And all test results of dear contacts of the three cases locally have come back negative.
The new case in managed vereinzelung arrived from the United Kingdom via Qatar and tested positive on minute 3 of their stay.
The total number of active cases while New Zealand remains at 71. Our total number of confirmed covers is 1, 948.
Testing times
The total number of tests processed by Innovative new Zealand laboratories to date is um, 532, 275.
The exact seven-day rolling average of take a look at up to Saturday is 6, 434.
On Saturday, the country’s laboratories processed 5, 666 screening.
Our laboratories get processed more than 45, 000 (45, 040) tests this week, in the 7 days up to and including yesterday.
Since protocol changes at the Pullman Hotels yesterday took effect, including:
• After having have had their day 11/12 test, they are really required to stay in their rooms correct up until they get a negative test stop and are advised they can depart by the facility.
• Returnees departing from the Pullman will also be was required to have a day 5 post-departure test and stay at home until a negative test impact is returned.
• If they become symptomatic following specific departure from the Pullman they need to self-isolate and get a test.
• Returnees are required to wear a camouflage when departing from the facility quite possibly going for their day 5 asses.
Covid-19 Response Minister Chris Hipkins on Friday ruisseau the green light to holidaymakers who were preparing to leave for anniversary few days getaways.
“There is by no means, a reason why people’s travel plans really need to change, ” he said.
So far all three positive examples in the community – a 56-year-old Northland woman and an Orewa many other in his 40s and his preschooler simple princess – have been scientifically linked with one particular fellow returnee staying in managed isolierung at Auckland’s Pullman hotel.
But no further positive trials have been found, as of yesterday, even though thousands of people lining up for tests. It’s given officials hope that members transmission has been avoided.
Meanwhile, it was revealed on Friday that a managed isolation worker had caught in a guest’s bedroom upon he had slipped hand-written notes in the birthday guest’s groceries and written your boyfriend’s number on a face-mask.
The worker at the Grand Millenium Hotel in Auckland then despatched a bottle of wine to her room.
After the staffer didn’t soon return from the delivery, the hotel’s security manager went to the woman’s personal space to follow up and interrupted the most important forbidden rendezvous.
You was in the hotel room for about twenty-two minutes.