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‘Unbelievable’: Hundreds of people rally behind managers after burglary

More than 500 people have donated completed $27, 000 to help the homeowners of Rockys Restaurant & Coffeehouse get back on their feet. Photo and Dean Purcell

People across the country have rallied together with to help the owners of a nearest and dearest Auckland café get back on their bottom after a burglary.

Rockys Restaurant & Café was burgled earlier in the week.

Owners Rocky Warnakulasuriya and darling Jeevani Thusitha, hard-working parents concerning two, including a newborn, were departed in tears.

I would say the heartbreaking act hit the small hospitality business even harder as the do this together couldn’t afford insurance.

Rocky Warnakulasuriya holds his newborn daughter Layla at his cafe in Mt Albert after it was burgled. Photo / Dean Purcell
Rocky Warnakulasuriya holds his newborn daughter Layla at his cafe in Mt Albert after it was burgled. Image / Dean Purcell

Warnakulasuriya said way worth of items were taken, plus a laptop and two iPads well $2500, a haul of alcohol worth $1500, and $500 well of cash from the till and lesson jar.

Since stories of the burglary was shared, full people have flooded a Givealittle page who have thousands of dollars in donations.

The funding page by , the burkha customers and sisters Renee Argyros and Holly Wiles, who arrangement a goal of $20, 000 to afford a year of insurance, to build an extra secure entryway to prevent future burglaries and to replace stolen items.

The owners of Rockys Restaurant and Cafe in Mt Albert were left in tears when they discovered they'd been burgled. Photo / Dean Purcell
This particular owners of Rockys Restaurant in addition to Cafe in Mt Albert turned out to be left in tears when they learnt they’d been burgled. Photo suggestions Dean Purcell

The funds raised at the time of Wednesday evening have surged in the evening $20, 000 goal.

More than 500 donors have pooled together over $28, 000 on the couple in two days.

One generous person donated 1000 dollar.

The rush of foundation is beyond belief for Warnakulasuriya.

“I can’t think much support I’m getting. People around us and not just from Auckland, from Queenstown, Oamaru, and some similar New Zealand communities. Some people perhaps might not even know us and it’s recently unbelievable how much support we are communicate, ” he said.

The amount of money raised means Rocky want much-need repairs to the business.

“It’s too hot into the customers and my air conditioner is just broken. Fridge [is] broken. [I can now] is needed them. It’s the early stage together with my business, I’d like to have an earned business so I can support my family.

“I don’t know how to give you thanks to them. I can’t thank [them] enough. ”

Donors have left heartfelt messages for these couple on the Givealittle page , including local borrowers and people as far as the bottom of the Southwest Island.

“Life is going to be over without your doughnuts! in one person wrote.

Another said, “I am a cafe user, working extremely hard with no maternity go home to make my ends meet. I have a newborn baby as well. So heartbreaking to hear this valuable. ”

Another subscriber wrote: “So devastating, let’s trust this page gives you faith that there are perfect people in the world who care! micron

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A police speaker said police received a report on the Monday morning regarding a theft at the site.

“Police have attended and conducted a first forensic examination. Further inquiries to remain made. ”

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