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Arrests made in relation to fires started on final day of protest on Parliament grounds

A lone protester facing Police officers in front of burning tents on day 23 of the Covid-19 Convoy. Photo / Mark Mitchell

A man has been arrested in relation to the fires lit on the final day of the anti-mandate protest on Parliament grounds.

In early May a tent went up in flames at the protest and black plumes of smoke billowed as hundreds of police officers swarmed the occupation to clear the area.

Footage shows several protesters then started throwing wooden pallets, tents and chairs onto the fire to fan the flames. Protesters have claimed police started the fire by knocking over a generator.

Detective Superintendent Peter Read said Tasman police arrested two people this morning in Golden Bay.

A 29-year-old man has been charged with intentional damage and committing a dangerous act with intent. Both charges related to fires on Parliament grounds.

A 29-year-old woman has also been charged with a dangerous act with intent and rioting.

They are scheduled to appear in Nelson District Court on Monday.

A third person in Nelson was arrested and faces charges of assault with a weapon, doing a dangerous act with intent and rioting.

The 50-year-old man appeared in Nelson District Court today .

A dedicated investigation team continues to work towards identifying anyone involved in violent criminal offending.

Further arrests are expected as the investigation progresses.

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