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No firm commitment from Wellington and Auckland mayors to run again

Wellington mayor Andy Foster. Photo / Mark Mitchell

A question mark hangs over whether the country’s three main centres could have new leadership, with Auckland’s mayor undecided on whether he’ll run again and Wellington’s mayor not giving much away.

Christchurch mayor Lianne Dalziel has revealed she won’t be standing for re-election next year, saying it’s time for a new direction in her life.

She told Newstalk ZB’s John MacDonald she felt a degree of relief in making a decision on whether to run.

“It’s the line in the sand but also at the same time an incredible sense of gratitude that I’ve had to the city and a real privilege to be able to represent the city where I was born and lived all my life.”

Chistchurch mayor Lianne Dalziel. Photo / Martin Hunter
Chistchurch mayor Lianne Dalziel. Photo / Martin Hunter

Meanwhile, rumours have been circulating in Auckland and Wellington that Mayor Phil Goff could be off to Washington as New Zealand’s Ambassador to the United States, replacing career diplomat Rosemary Banks who has been in the role since February 2018.

Goff has said he will stay on as mayor of Auckland for the full three-year term of office, which ends in October next year.

“I’m elected to serve three years as mayor of this city and that is what I intend to do.”

Goff said he will decide early next year whether to seek a third term as mayor.

Auckland mayor Phil Goff. Photo / Dean Purcell
Auckland mayor Phil Goff. Photo / Dean Purcell

Wellington mayor Andy Foster has been dancing around the question of whether he’ll put in a bid for a second term for months now.

In April he told the Herald it was far too early for any official announcement about whether he intended to stand for the mayoralty again.

He said he was enjoying the role and is fully committed to building a city with strong infrastructure, that’s environmentally resilient, economically vibrant, affordable to live in and lots of fun.

“If people take that as a campaign opener, I am not going to argue”, he said.

When asked the same question today, Foster said he is “committed to working with residents, colleagues, and stakeholders on opportunities that will ensue from the long term plan and spatial plan and the three waters initiative”.

Foster would not say whether he intended running.

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