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CCTV emerges of missing Invercargill man Raymond Horn

Police have uncovered CCTV footage of missing Invercargill man Raymond Horn and hope the discovery will lead to further information about the 68-year-old’s disappearance.

The footage shows Horn in Invercargill’s Queens Park the morning he went missing, Monday February 15, between about 10.20am and 11am.

Police are urging anyone who may have been in Queens Park at the time to contact police because they may have further information that can assist.

Horn went missing from Walmsley House, a rest-home in Richmond, on Monday.

Invercargill man Raymond Horn went missing on February 15. Photo / Supplied
Invercargill man Raymond Horn went missing on February 15. Photo / Supplied

The home was a Presbyterian Support Southland (PSS) service.

He was last seen at 8am and police were called at 1pm after an unsuccessful search in the immediate area by staff.

Residential areas, Queens Park, the railway tracks, green spaces and the Otepuni Stream had been searched; the efforts involved dog handlers and kayakers.

There was concern Horn had got into trouble and needed help, such as being locked in a shed.

As the result of a stroke, he was unable to communicate verbally.

Police also ask that anyone living in the area near Queens Park thoroughly search their property.

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