Fire fighters are converging on an area in North Canterbury after a fire broke out this afternoon.
And a public health warning has been issued amid concerns of toxic substances billowing into the air.
The fire is at the site of the Amberley tyre stockpile which has been controversial over the years.
Environment Canterbury have been working closely with the Hurunui District Council to ensure the removal of the pile in recent times.
A Herald reporter at the scene said “enormous flames more than 20m high” can be seen as dozens of firefighters battle the raging fire.
Thick black smoke plumes are fanning into the sky.
The fire appears largely contained to the fire area, surrounded by large trees.
The blaze can be heard crackling and sizzling.
The area is surrounded by dry farm paddocks while a stiff southerly breeze fans the fire.
Smoke can be seen from the city, 45km south from Amberley.
Fire appliances from across the area are en route to the scene.
It is understood police are in attendance as onlookers gather near the site of the fire.
Firefighters are thought to be trying to contain it and prevent it spreading to the trees and surrounding paddocks.
“We were first called at about 3.10pm,” said a Fire and Emergency New Zealand spokesman.
“Multiuple crews from Amberley, Waipara, Woodend, Waikari and Sefton, Rangiora and command unit from Christchurch.
“We are advising nearby residents to keep their windows and doors closed, and to please stay away from the fire site.”
A public safey warning has been issued this afternoon by the Canterbury District Health Board’s Community and Public Health Unit relating to smoke from the fire.
“Air around this location is smoky and there is potential that people who are sensitive to smoke – such as those with heart or lung conditions, pregnant women, young children and the elderly – may experience symptoms like coughing, shortness of breath or eye, nose and throat irritation,” the warning said.
“The main contaminant from fires involving tyres is sulphur dioxide which can cause respiratory problems such as bronchitis, and can irritate your nose, throat and lungs.
“It may cause coughing, wheezing, phlegm and asthma attacks.
“The effects are worse when you are exercising. Sulphur dioxide has been linked to cardiovascular disease.”
Canterbury Medical Officer of Health Dr Ramon Pink said exposure to smoke can worsen pre-existing health conditions such as asthma and heart disease.
“People affected by the smoke should close windows and doors, and reduce outdoor exercise,” he urged.
“Anyone experiencing health issues from the Racecourse Rd fire should phone their usual general practice team in the first instance.
“After hours you can call your usual practice number 24/7 and follow the instructions to be put through to an nurse for free health advice.”
A list of safety warnings was also issued.
“If you see or smell smoke outside, you should stay inside if it’s safe to do so,” said the DHB.
“Remember to: keep your windows and doors shut, switch your air conditioning to ‘recirculate’, air out your house when the smoke clears, look out for children, older people, and others at risk.”
In December a director of one of the companies which failed to remove the tyres from the site under a court Enforcement Order was sentenced.
Peter Benden was fined $36,000 and required to pay $20,000 toward the costs of removing the tyre pile.