When Presbyterian Promote East Coast/Family Works had to shortly leave the building which it had powered a foodbank out of for ten years, a staff member transformed her Hastings home into a temporary foodbank.
Family Works Hawke’s Clean clinical team leader Carleen Infucion Nahu didn’t think twice about using the lady Flaxmere home as a space for this fantastic Family Works foodbank when they had to reluctantly move out of their former Hastings areas in three days due to earthquake risk.
“It seemed to be just an automatic thing that I and in addition my team packed down the foodbank and move it to my coop. And part of that is because families however need food, I was just will make it happen one way or another, ” he said.
Her health care office now takes up one room among her house and the foodbank includes shelving, two freezers and the what you eat.
She picks up charitable contributions from collection points, packs wares there and then other staff members or to herself deliver them.
Parcels include canned food, cereal, milk, coffee, pasta, rice to be able to, frozen meat and vegetables, sanitary and toiletry items and when that can be found biscuits, muesli bars and baby foods if needed.
“Not just the standard Weetbix and baked beans, ” Te Nahu attempts to tailor the parcel to the preferences of each family.
We provide about four to five people a week am sent food parcels from them but when acai picking season ends it can be around 10.
“It’s great to see the faces on children once know they will have something to achieve tea tonight… it all makes it useful.
“I believe virtually everybody deserves the best in life… we need to constitute helping each other and supporting young families and encouraging families to work together, enjoy safely and create positive memories with the children.
“And in case that that means that us delivering a food parcel every now and again is going to help and then, I’m okay with that. ”
Over the Christmas period 85 food and gift parcels were distributed.
She said having the capability to include gifts made a difference to positively families. “Yay, my kids will have a specific thing to open! ” Being a typical interaction.
Family Works providers manager Pam McCann said the impact of Covid-19 on the families these businesses support was high with lack of employment and uncertainty affecting them.
She said due to full donations they were able to have enough dishes to meet the demand for families.
Family Works are searching for young premises for their foodbank and office personnel offices.