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Darker waters: Yacht wedged under suv ramp after colliding with ferry

A Fullers GreatSights used truck ferry collided with a yacht a prior weekend not too long ago night. Photo / Cherrie Ellis

A Fullers GreatSights ferry hit troubled waters a day ago after colliding with a yacht nearly Opua in Northland.

The yacht appears to have been put under RV Arawhiti’s ramp in 6pm and 7pm last night around the Veronica Channel.

No one appears to have been injured, but the sports car ferry is out of service today.

“Due to a kinetic issue, the VF Arawhiti will undoubtedly be off the run for a period. The VF Okiato is still operating and will be supporting shorter turn-around times to manage a lot of queues.
We apologise regarding inconvenience and any delays encouraged, ” a post on the Fullers Greatsights page said.

Nearby resident Cherrie Ellis said the ferry horn would be sounded about six times.

“We heard the several horn… then there was a heck of a bang. It echoed about the neighbourhood – we are in the hill from it on the Russell lesser known. Then all we heard is this guy yelling so I presume have any it was a skipper of a certain method. ”

Both of them vessels were under motor till they crashed, she said. All the stuck for a long time as they tried to encourage the ferry off the yacht. Once it prised out from under the ramp the game returned to Opua with the ferry following closely behind it.

“It would have done lot’s more damage to the yacht. I was actually surprised to see it floating and by no means sunk. ”

Ellis said there were only about 3 to 4 cars on the car ferry at the time you.

The ferry had been travelling from Russell in order to Opua while the yacht had got out of Opua and was heading inside Paihia.

The passenger onboard the ferry problems the incident posted on social media in she was at the front of the ferry ready kids when that accident location and was pleased no-one was in fact injured.

A particular Coastguard spokesperson said no coastguard vessels responded to the incident.

The Herald may have contacted Fullers GreatSights and the Northland Harbourmaster for comment.

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