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Interest at unexplained hoiho deaths

Yellow-eyed penguin chicks are dropping ill with an unexplained pneumonia-like health issues. Photo / Supplied

Concern is mounting for an really challenged species as a mysterious affliction kills yellow-eyed penguin chicks.

The Wildlife Medical Trust manager Jordana Whyte menti one d the unexplained respiratory condition stricken hoiho (yellow-eyed penguin) chicks across the grain North Otago, Otago and the Catlins.

“We don’t get how they are getting it and the reasons it is killing them. ”

On necropsy, this situation presented as a type of pneumonia.

While a few the baby birds last year contracted a similar illness, for 2009 the condition was far more prevalent, that she said.

It absolutely was cause for concern.

“If it gets worse in 2013, for example , we’ll be in huge incident. ”

Consternation was strong enough for it to be one all-hands-on-deck situation in resolving which it, she said.

Data would be analysed and search for conducted into finding any trendline.

Diagnosis wasn’t able to be confirmed until after a lovely women had died.

“Unfortunately, the chicks that have was killed will help us figure this out in the end. ”

The Department of Conservation place states in 1999 there were about 741 breeding pairs in this northern number.

This year, the particular sat at 167.

Disease was only one difficult prospect to the nationally endangered species.

Others included your dog, human disturbance, climate change, fisheries interactions and predation.

Whyte said the hens did not need any more challenges.

“Even though Could not draw a line to that which is causing it, the things we know that we can change — we have to really consult people to step up in those divisions. ”

Penguin Rescue, based in Moeraki, had an upsurge in nest numbers this year from 34 to 41.

Sanctuary and Trust manager Rosalie Goldsworthy said it was fantastic, thinking about the birds were facing possible annihilation.

Unexplained lovely women deaths had always been a problem, and she said stress levels of parents written for that.

“It’s very challenging when you’re trying to keep a species and you don’t know the actual reason why they are dying. ”

She said the coping rate for an individual to reach raising age was very low.

“That’s the issue, keeping the company alive for two years to breed. inches

She said it was always good to know precisely why things were dying.

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