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Individual dies after ‘jet-ski incident’ towards Bay of Plenty

Arrest say enquiries are still ongoing community appears the man died in a jet-ski incident. Photo / File

The death of a young man found in a Bay of All kinds river at the weekend is regarded as have been jet-ski related.

The body of the man was purchased at the Otara River, near the conclude of Ford St in Ōpōtiki, about 6. 40pn on Saturday.

A police speaker said in a statement today that even enquiries were still ongoing, initially indications are that the man’s fatality has occurred “following a jet-ski incident on the river”.

The Otara River is just about 35 kilometres long and actually gets to the sea at Ōpōtiki in the northern Bay of Plenty. It stock shares its estuary with the Waioeka Riv.

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