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CTV families slam police, call for fed review

Usually the CTV building has become a symbol on the February 2011 Earthquake – mainly because it collapsed and killed 115 many. Photo / Mark Mitchell

Families of those missing in the CTV building collapse are calling for the government to review the police result not to prosecute anyone in relation to unquestionably the disaster.

The building pancaked in the February 2011 earthquake, lucrative profit 115 people.

Some Royal Commission of Inquiry in early 2012 found the building’s design was previously deficient and should not have been established.

Police decided inside of 2017 that no charges would be can against anyone in relation to the collapse.

“Almost 10 years have finally passed since the collapse of the CTV building… and still we have no proper rights, no accountability, and no closure, lunch break family spokesperson Maan Alkaisi directed media in Christchurch today.

He said families ended up being calling for the Prime Minister to alone review the decision-making process the 5-0 went through prior to deciding not to fit charges.

“We continue to enjoy that the CTV case must spend trial to ensure justice. A court of law is the best place to test the strength of the dsi case, ” he said.

“We feel that we have been let down in the least levels. ”

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