Protesters provide locked themselves to the train tracks coming from Dunedin Railway Station. Photo / Geoff Reid, ODT
Several protesters have quitted a coal train from driving by locking themselves to the songs at Dunedin Railway Station today.
Dozens of protesters actually at the station where they have ceased the running of a coal health care practice from Bathurst Resources’ Takitimu excavation in Southland to Fonterra’s Clandeboye milk processing plant in Of this Canterbury.
The group, composed members of Coal Action Networking system Aotearoa, Environmental Justice Ōtepoti coupled with Extinction Rebellion Ōtepoti/Ōtautahi/Invercargill, were protesting against the use of the coal in the industrial facilities “to dry milk powder for many export”, Environmental Justice Ōtepoti call Fiona Clements said.
Around eight people have locked themselves for any tracks, while others are standing or sitting close by. There are some at the rear of its train, where several were on a wagon. Many have for sale signs or large flags with anti-coal messages or Extinction Rebellion token.
An Otago Often Times staffer at the scene stated there were three police officers present. Among the asked the protesters to move upon, but the protesters had remained where ever they were and at this stage police force were continuing to observe.
One of the protesters, 79-year-old Michael Fay, said he was “simply doing simply my conscience demands”.
“I’m here for these young people right here on the track beside me. It will be morally unacceptable to do nothing though their future is flushed affordable this very [railway] line. ”
Clements said in a statement the coal shipment happened on a daily basis, “past my student’s home transporting the world’s dirtiest fossil fuel”.
“Takitimu is the waka that brought my tīpuna from Hawaiki, it was used stone at Murihiku and now Bathurst desecrates this whenua daily of carving it out and burning coal in Fonterra’s factories. ”
The group said it had three takes:
“We say to their state, Fonterra and Bathurst Resources make must be honourable treat partners plus honour Te Tiriti o Waitangi by:
• Protecting against expansion and protecting te whenua from further desecration.
• Implementing a particularly transition from extractive industry because of centring matauranga Māori and sustaining tauiwi and tangata whenua into thrive with Papatūānuku.
• That the Government stop subsidising and investing in extractive industry. type