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Auckland Rescue Helicopter spots secret ‘love heart glade’ while on mission

The Rescue Heli-copter spotted a secret – in addition sizeable – love declaration at the skies. Photo / Auckland Saving Helicopter Trust

The Auckland Westpac Rescue Chopper spotted what it described as a “love heart glade” from the skies, for the reason that flew to a mission in Northland.

Crew Chief Signature “Tinny” Cannell took the gallery on November 15, as the heli-copter flew from Auckland to Northland.

Photo / Auckland Rescue Helicopter Trust
Photo / Auckland Rescue Heli Trust

The crew spotted a massive devotion heart glade while flying with the vicinity of the Kaipara Flats around the afternoon of November 15.

The sight surprised i would say the crew who took a few vaccinations of the unexpected scene. Hidden in the centre of a forest area is the trick “love heart glade”.

Photo / Auckland Rescue Helicopter Trust
Photo suggestions Auckland Rescue Helicopter Trust

At first it is likely hard to spot, amid the greenery – but once you see it, you cannot miss it.

It appears someone got hold of some garden resources and decided to create a declaration of love that can be seen from above.

Photo / Auckland Rescue Helicopter Trust
Photo and Auckland Rescue Helicopter Trust

The Kaipara Flats area is located north akin to Auckland, just south of Wellsford.

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